A Year of Ordinary Moments by Rich Curtis
As a performance art piece, Rich Curtis became a licensed notary public in 2009. Since that time he has notarized many things, none of which have been legal documents. Curtis is fascinated by the idea of being legally bound to TRUTH. His personal view that truth is inherently subjective runs counter to the notion of a legal and absolute truth. As part of this project he devised an exercise of witnessing one true thing each day. For the most part Curtis tried to pick the most obscure, least significant event of a given day. He distilled each of these moments into one sentence. The result of this is A Year of Ordinary Moments, where the body of the text is the result of his daily observations.
To download it, click on the icon at the top right of picture, which will open the ebook in a new window, then click on the download symbol at the top right of the new window.
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