Argotist Ebooks
Argotist Ebooks has been going since 2010, and because its ebooks are free, each one gets a larger readership than if it were a print book for sale. Therefore, Argotist Ebooks will continue publishing free poetry ebooks (and other genres of literature) so as to reach the widest readership possible. Send submissions to
Thursday, November 28, 2024
Dying by Instalments by Norman Jope
Tuesday, June 18, 2024
Compulsive Words by Michael Ruby
Sunday, March 17, 2024
O! fragmented glories by Joshua Martin
To download it, click on the icon at the top right of picture, which will open the ebook in a new window, then click on the download symbol at the top right of the new window.
Sunday, January 21, 2024
Co-options by Jimmy Crouse
Thursday, December 14, 2023
Moon Alignment by Jane Joritz-Nakagawa and Susan Laura Sullivan
Thursday, April 27, 2023
Puzzle No Edges by Naomi Buck Palagi
To download it, click on the icon at the top right of picture, which will open the ebook in a new window, then click on the download symbol at the top right of the new window.
Saturday, April 8, 2023
Unsafe by Norman Jope
From Dipstick Apocalypse by Rupert M. Loydell
Soot Tear Zest by Nava Fader
Soot Tear Zest by Nava Fader
Poems beginning with a line from an uncorrected proof of Federico Garcia Lorca, Selected Verse, edited by Christopher Maurer (FSG, 1994).
To download it, click on the icon at the top right of picture, which will open the ebook in a new window, then click on the download symbol at the top right of the new window.
Reviews of Poetry and Prose by Jeffrey Side and Jake Berry 2007-2013
Reviews of Poetry and Prose by Jeffrey Side and Jake Berry 2007-2013
Reviews of Carrier of the Seed, Cyclones in High Northern Latitudes and Outside Voices: An Email Correspondence. The reviewers were: Adam Fieled, John M. Bennett, Jake Berry (for Carrier of the Seed), Pam Brown, Andrew Duncan, John Couth, Carey Scott Wilkerson and Ami Kaye.
To download it, click on the icon at the top right of picture, which will open the ebook in a new window, then click on the download symbol at the top right of the new window.
Random Notes of a Messenger by Mark Harlow
Limping Symmetry by Jake Reeds
Odds and Ends: Essays, Blogs, Internet Discussions, Interviews and Miscellany by Jeffrey Side
Aphorisms of Chance by Jake Berry and Jeffrey Side
Friday, April 7, 2023
Sounds Anglo-American Robert Vas Dias interviewed by Robert Hampson
Temptation in Whispers by Anthony Howell
Baltimore by Eli Garry
The Reading of Wordsworth in the Twentieth Century by Jeffrey Side
The Great Recession by Adam Fieled
This Transmission by Michael McNamara
Dying by Instalments by Norman Jope
Dying by Instalments by Norman Jope A collection of articles about the quantity of poetry that is now entering the public domain, and the im...
Co-options by Jimmy Crouse Co-options explores the dichotomy between the compulsion to write in the absence of overt content and the imperat...
O! fragmented glories by Joshua Martin O! fragmented glories is a collection of linguistic collages, word collisions, non sequiturs, absurdi...
Compulsive Words by Michael Ruby During automatic writing one day, Michael Ruby noticed certain words repeatedly appearing, forcing themsel...